(Subject to change)

Purchasing credits:

The $ASCIA token serves as one of the primary payment methods for buying credits on the Ascia platform. Credits are used to generate ASCII art and videos.

Fixed token price for $ASCIA payment method:

The $Ascia payment method maintains a fixed token amount for credits, meaning that when the token’s market cap is lower, users effectively pay less for credits. This allows early users to collect credits cheaper. As the platform and token gain traction, the credits will cost more. This encourages users to collect credits early by using the $ASCIA payment method.


$ASCIA tokens are the backbone of the Ascia marketplace. Buyers use credits to buy ready made projects, artwork, or videos, while the creator earning credits back which they can exchange back to $ASCIA.

Revenue sharing:

Token holders are rewarded who meet the minimum balance criteria by sharing a portion of the revenue. This includes marketplace fees and credit purchases, offering token holders a passive income for holding $ASCIA.

Last updated